Turkish German
Turkish German
ADAYLAR : Turkish German
Bewerber f; Kandidaten f
ADAYLIK : Turkish German
die Kandidatur f; Bewerbung f
ADAÇAYI : Turkish German
Gartensalbei m
ADAŞ : Turkish German
Namensvetter n
ADAŞLIK : Turkish German
Namensgleichheit f
ADDETMEK : Turkish German
halten für; ansehen als
ADDİS ABABA : Turkish German
Addis Abeba
ADEMELMASI : Turkish German
Adamsapfel m
ADEMİYET : Turkish German
Menschheit f
ADENİT : Turkish German
Adenitis f; Lymphknotenentzündung f; Drüsenentzündung f
ADENYA : Turkish German
Adenie f
ADESE : Turkish German
optische Linse
ADET : Turkish German
Anzahl f; Stück n
ADET BEZİ : Turkish German
Damenbinde f
ADET EDİNMEK : Turkish German
eine Gewohnheit annehmen
ADETA : Turkish German
fast; beinahe; so gut wie
ADHEZYON : Turkish German
Adhäsion f
ADHEZYON ASİDİ : Turkish German
Adhäsionssäure f
ADHEZYON GÜCÜ : Turkish German
Adhäsionskraft f
Adhäsionsmasse f
Adhäsionsvermögen n
ADİ : Turkish German
ADİ ALACAKLAR : Turkish German
einfache (oder) gewöhnliche Konkursforderungen
ADİ BUHAR : Turkish German
gesättigter Dampf
ADİ ELEKTROT : Turkish German
Normalelektrod n
- Azerbaijani
- Azerbaijani To Azerbaijani
- Azerbaijani To English
- Azerbaijani To Persian(Farsi)
- Turkish
- Turkish To Turkish
- Turkish To English
- Turkish To Germany
- Turkish To French
- English
- English To Azerbaijani
- English To Turkish
- Germany
- Germany To Turkish
- French
- French To Turkish
- تورکجه
- تورکجه To Persian(Farsi)
- تورکجه To تورکجه
- Persian(Farsi)
- Persian(Farsi) To Azerbaijani