Multilingual Turkish Dictionary

Azerbaijani To English

Azerbaijani To English
ACIDİL : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

I. i. backbiter, slanderer II. s. bitter / wicked tongued, slanderous; acı adam slanderous person / man*

ACIDİLLİ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. bax acıdil II

ACIDİLLİLİK : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

i. slander, backbiting, malicious talk / words

ACIİSTİOT : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

i. bitter pepper

ACILAMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

f. to sting* [d.], to wound [d.], to taunt [d. with]

ACILANDIRMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

f. bax acılatmaq

ACILAŞDIRMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

f. to make* bitter [d.]

ACILAŞDIRILMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

f. to be* made bitter

ACILAŞMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

f. to become* bitter, to turn bitter, to have* bitter taste

AÇILMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

to open, to be* open; Qapı açıldı. The door opened; The door was opened; Dükan saat
da açılır. The shop opens at ten; Otaqlar bir-birinə açılır. The rooms open into each other;
to be* declared open; İclas açıldı. The meeting was declared open;
[aşkar olmaq] to come* out, to come* to light, to be* revealed; Onun sirri açıldı. His / Her secret came out;
[yara] to open; Yara açıldı The wound opened;
[gül, çiçək] to open, to blossom out; Tumurcuqlar / Qönçələr açılır The buds are opening;
[düymə], to come* undone / unfastened / unclasped; [qarmaq] to come* unhooked;
[dəmir yolu] to come* uncoupled;
[hava] to clear; Hava açılır The weather is clearing;
[düyün] to untwist, to come* untwisted; Düyün açıldı The knot untwisted / came untwisted;
[süjet] to unwind, to uncoil; Süjet yavaş-yavaş açılır The narrative unwinds slowly;
[saç] to come* unplaited;
[qayka] to come* unscrewed;
[sinəsi, döşü] to become* naked / uncovered;
[səhər, yaz və s.] to come*; Səhər açıldı Morning came;
[pəncərə, qapı] to open [on], to look out [on]; Pəncərə dənizə açılır The window opens on the sea;
[bomba] to burst*; Bomba açılmadı The bomb didn;t burst;
[tüfəng] to fire; Tüfəng açıldı The rifle fired, A rifle shot was heard; gözü açılmaq 1] to recover one;s sight; 2] məc. to begin* to see clearly, to be* enlightened, Beləliklə, onun gözü açıldı So he / she was enlightened; ürəyi / qəlbi açılmaq to be* glad / happy, to rejoice; Mən sizi görəndə ürəyim açılır I am glad to see you; f Adamın ürəyi açılır One;s heart fills with joy

ACILI : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. bax acı II

ACILIQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

i. bitter taste; bitter stuff; məc. Bitterness

AÇILIŞ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

I. i.
inauguration, unveiling; təntənəli açılış inauguration [of], grand opening [of]; abidənin açılışı unveiling / inauguration of a memorial II. s. opening; açılış günü opening day

AÇILIŞMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

to get* used [to], to accustom [to], to habituate oneself [to];
to become* free and more independent, to make* oneself familiar [with];
to feel* easy / comfortable

ACIMADAN : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

z. pitilessly, mercilessly, without pity/mercy

ACIMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

I. f.
to turn/to become* bitter;
[yağ] to turn/to become* rancid;
[xəmir] to become* leavened II. f. to sympathize [with], to feel* [for], to feel* sorry [for]; to be* sorry [for]; to regret

ACIMSOV : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. bax acımtıl

ACIMSOVLUQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

i. bax acımtıllıq

ACIMTRAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. bax acımtıl

ACIMTRAQLIQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

i. bax acımtıllıq

ACIMTIL : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. bitterish

ACIMTILLIQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

i. the quality or state of being bitterish

ACINACAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. bax acınacaqlı

ACINACAQLI : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

s. sorrowful, miserable, mournful; bir kəsin həyatını acınacaqlı etmək to make* smb.;s life miserable; acınacaqlı həyat miserable life; acınacaqlı hadisə sorrowful accident; acınacaqlı vəziyyətdə olmaq to be* in sad situation, to be* under a bad condition; acınacaqlı görkəm mournful air

ACINMAQ : Azerbaijani English Dictionary

f. bax acımaq II